Premium Hydraulic Solutions in Saudi Arabia.


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Best EquipedHydraulic Solutions


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Welcome to Al Harbi Hydraulic.

What we offer

Our Expertise: At Al Harbi Hydraulic , we are specialize in supply and services of hydraulic pumps, motors ,Hydraulic cylinders ,Hydraulic valves, power pack accessories, fabrication of new power pack , hydraulic accumulators ,pneumatic cylinders, hydraulic seals ,O-rings, fluid connectors and clamps.

Our products.

  • Hydraulic pumps.
  • Hydraulic motor.
  • Hydraulic cylinders
  • Hydraulic accumulators.
  • Solenoid valves
  • Hydraulic seals.
  • Hydraulic power pack accessories.
  • Pressure gauges.
  • DC Power pack.
  • Hand pumps.
  • Hydraulic power tools.
  • Hydraulic hoses and fitting

Our services.

  • Overhauling of hydraulic pumps.
  • Overhauling of hydraulic motors.
  • Overhauling of hydraulic cylinders.
  • Manufacturing of new customized hydraulic cylinders.
  • Manufacturing of new customized hydraulic power packs.
  • Overhauling of hydraulic valves.
  • Overhauling of hydraulic powerpacks.
  • On site /plant hydraulic systems installation and overhauling.
  • Fabrication of hydraulic hoses and pipes.

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